Saturday, December 21, 2013

Time For Christmas Time!

Introducing my new artistic devotion-pop-up cards!
Front of Card-Notice my logo which is on every pop-up card I make now.
The card reads, "Oh Come Let Us Adore Him Christ, The Lord". The King is the object of adoration because he is right on the mantlepiece.
 This card reads, "Thanks Be To God For His Unspeakable Gift", which is the world.
The front of the card that quotes a verse from the Bible about Christmas trees. "A Tree From The Forest Is Cut Down. They Decorate It With Silver And Gold". Notice how 'silver' is written in gold and 'gold' is written in silver.

 A Christmas tree cut out of the paper!
 Merry Christmas! This card was cut all with an x-acto knife-it took FOREVER.
 "I Saw The Spirit Descending From Heaven Like A Dove."

A 3-D dove made with the tab form of pop-up art.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Creat-ing The Gr-een Sw-ing

 I've admired this swing creation for quite some time. I've wanted to make the swing for at least six years now. I guess lately I've had a lot of ambition with my projects. It's funny because I always thought that making this would be difficult-now I see it's no different from other projects. The colors aren't exact from the book, but when are they ever. I used wooden dowels to hold up the swing rods. For this particular project, it seemed that I would NEVER finish stitching together the triangle pieces, but here it is. Fabulous design credit to Joyce Messenger.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Almost Like A Living Room

                So here I am with my latest installment-completed in just 2 days! It's a lace-covered lamp table and I might just make a lamp to go on it. I think the hardest thing about this creation was cutting out the little squares. I was so afraid that I would mess one up and have to start over. Design credits to Kooler Design Studio. Yes, I did decide to stuff the couch.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

La-Z Girl!

I came to the conclusion that after making the laise chair and the grand piano, more furniture wouldn't be SUCH a bad idea. The background color of the couch is originally turquoise, but I thought that was too old-timey. I didn't know how I was going to get all the pieces together at first, but you'd be amazed at how much of a project you can accomplish by just reading the directions: ) The spotted pillow is actually sparkly, you just can't tell from the picture.The couch back should be stuffed with mesh but I don't know, I think it looks okay this way. Credits to Kooler Design Studio. Have a seat!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Rose Grower

     From the time I first saw this tissue box cover in a magazine I thought, "There's no way I can make that. It's almost too gorgeous." 60-something petals and leaves later, it really is possible. Not exactly like the picture in that magazine, but I don't think anyone's counting. Original creator-Veronica Altman.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Grand Piano in Black

TOO much love for this work of art! Yes, work of art. This is a stitched piano whose design is credited to a Kooler Design Studio Barbie furniture book. I fell in love with it the moment I saw the book cover online. I'm really proud of myself for finishing it. It took about a week to make the pieces and maybe 9 hours to assemble. The wires look real, huh? I think the pedals are just too cool. The miniature sheet music is a trade secret....

Yarn Crossing Part 2

I posted this tissue box cover almost a year ago today. This is a different box with a lighter shade of beige, a longer width and finally my logo! The original is to small for modern boutique tissue boxes so I elongated the pattern. One really has to know what they're doing to make this because it just won't look right if you don't do all the stitches uniform.

Stripes and Staircases

I really procrastinated on this one, but here it is done! What took a long time to do on this purse was the red part which I call the staircase stitch. What drew me to make this was the way it closes with the "button"-really though a magnet underneath. The fabric is so beautiful that I just had to use it. Many have protested but I believe it goes just fine with the design. This has got to be one of my best lining jobs to date. Design credit to E.W. Shepard.

Friday, June 7, 2013


I made this for my baby cousin in about a day. The stitches are long so I could work with this one easily. Plus the yarn is easier to hide. {You probably have NO idea what I'm talking about-it's okay} The colors on the pattern book are much lighter, but I wanted a certain vibrancy.

Eyes Can See You

This is a glasses case. So cute, right! The face is originally made for someone for green eyes but I went with a golden yellow. That's my logo right to the right! This took me several hours to complete-a simple joy.

Buckle Up

It may seem odd, but this is my favorite purse so far. Yes, I used the same lining as I did for the black purse, but then you know why I love it so much! The buckle closure is held together with two magnets. This was a procrastination purse for me because for a while I wasn't sure how to assemble the pieces but I did it! It looks great worn with an orange dress.

Just Relax

Love, love, love is all I can say. I just love this creation of mine. It's a chaise lounge chair designed for a Barbie doll, but I decided to whip it up real quick for a birthday gift. It's white in the book, but I decided to have some fun with the colors. It took me maybe 10 hours to finish the chair-glued and everything, and 10 minutes to finish the pillow. Quite honestly I wish I'd never given it away, but I'll always have the memories! Just kidding. The 1st picture is here so you can see the tiny legs I spent an hour putting together. I don't know about you but I would recline on this thing! Design credits to Joyce Bishop.

In Need Of Variety

The pattern of this purse was simply A LOT of different stitch forms. I won't name them all but there are plenty. I just love the colors.

All Dressed Up

I don't have to ask to know this purse is a classic favorite. I did though and several people of the teenage variety have indeed asked the price for one of these bad boys! I adore the lining for this purse mostly because I'm into graphology, but also of course because it's just gorgeous. The gold chain really makes it stand out in my opinion. The strap goes around a bottom bead to close. It was sure a lot of fun to string the black beads to this purse.

America, The Fashionable

I have issues with the clasp on this purse, but nothing that can't be fixed. At first it didn't always close so I changed it and now it closes SOMEtimes. I had fun with the color scheme on this one. Again, though, with the book pattern being a bit off. I'm creative enough to work around that,  fortunately. I love the fabric I picked, it just screams patriotism. And the chain goes well with everything.

Basket Weave Paradise

This was simply a purse done using a purse form and the basket weave stitch. It was testing at times to complete this one because the book was slightly off from the actual form. Other than that it was fun-I only had one color to work from. Kinda scary though when I thought I was running out of the color! It was definitely fun picking out a bead for the strap to go around. I picked a tiny elephant! The gold chain I ordered for sure just makes this purse pop. The decorative flower/leaves on the purse don't look like they do on the book, but who cares. I love it!

Angels Fall

It was all fun and games until I came upon the top of the body of this purse when it was unfinished. It was just a bit difficult to deal  with the ribbon (the blue and pink you see) because one had to make sure it wasn't twisted when in place. I love this one, though, because it actually closes ( a string wrapped around the blue button) and it just looks nice! The fabric I picked is a favorite of mine and I made a big deal of making the best fairies be seen in the purse. Even though they are small, I lined the sides as well. I braided the strap myself.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Carry it With You

I made this for a client and Fran Rohus made that possible. I think this purse is very vintage and classy and I love it. I took me a few weeks to finish just because I was working on other purses. The periwinkle lining, as you can see, just goes magnificently with the purse and compliments the handles. The bottom-as you cannot see-is stitched in the navy blue.

Zee Behr Ezzentialz

I absolutely adore this purse for 2 reasons. 1) it really can be used to carry stuff like a normal purse, and 2) I wanted to make it from the moment I saw it on the cover of its book online! The title on the front remains sooo cute! Linda Vec had the idea and I brought it home! I counter-acted the yellow and white plaid with yellow and white polka-dots. I think it's brilliant. Oh, and I really love the back pocket which was optional btw. Fun fact: the handle is constructed from 4 parts; nobody makes mesh that long. And, yes, the bottom is stitched.