Saturday, December 21, 2013

Time For Christmas Time!

Introducing my new artistic devotion-pop-up cards!
Front of Card-Notice my logo which is on every pop-up card I make now.
The card reads, "Oh Come Let Us Adore Him Christ, The Lord". The King is the object of adoration because he is right on the mantlepiece.
 This card reads, "Thanks Be To God For His Unspeakable Gift", which is the world.
The front of the card that quotes a verse from the Bible about Christmas trees. "A Tree From The Forest Is Cut Down. They Decorate It With Silver And Gold". Notice how 'silver' is written in gold and 'gold' is written in silver.

 A Christmas tree cut out of the paper!
 Merry Christmas! This card was cut all with an x-acto knife-it took FOREVER.
 "I Saw The Spirit Descending From Heaven Like A Dove."

A 3-D dove made with the tab form of pop-up art.