Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Welcome to Z Designs!

     Mine is a blog that shows you the bulk of my recent needlepoint work! I've made different tissue box covers and my own designs in the past for fun and if you see creations that please the eye, feel free to contact me. I also do Paper cutouts of all forms.
     I'm a mostly self-taught needleworker who has been doing needlepoint since the age of 7. My favorite designs are miniature houses. I myself have made many of my own designs-including SpongeBob and The Little Mermaid.
      I invite people to come out and share their ideas and opinions as fellow needleworkers and potential customers. Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Zoe - Congratulations on creating your own business and also on marketing your new 'Z Designs' brand with this blog.

    I look forward to seeing how your efforts evolve over time.

    love, your tio!

