Sunday, November 30, 2014

Cmomon Knwolgede

            This is another book with fun facts. But this time there are about twenty of them. I titled the book "Common Knowledge" because that's exactly what it isn't. For this book, I really wanted to have a cool book design, and I came across this one in the book "Making Handmade Books", by Alisa Golden. This bookmaking technique is called Slot and Tab. Basically you just cut out an equal number of folded pages with a hole in the center, and the other half with the top and bottom corners cut out. You slide them together until a book form is created. The cut-outs don't have to be triangles, but I wanted the effect that you see on the spine. This book involved no glue, staples, or adhesive of any kind to be constructed. For the writing of this book, I used the one-and-only Microsoft Word. The hardest part was making sure the pages had an even center on the computer; that took forever.

                I made about 40 of these books with 4 different colored paper in the mix.  There's no way I could make the finished product look this good on my own, so I went to Kinko's to have them all printed. Then, I constructed all the books by hand. The facts in the book are all provable, meaning you can test them yourself. They are all obscure as well, chosen mostly from a single Tumblr website. None of the facts in this book are found in my pop-up book, I made sure of that.

           One thing that came to my mind while I was making this is the term typoglycemia. It is the ability for the brain to correctly read words that are scrambled, proving that the human brain reads one word at a time, not one letter at a time. I laenred tihs in fitfh gdrae from an otpcial ilulsoins wbeiste. It's sitll cool tdaoy. I wrote my entire Introduction and About the Author this way. The two pictures in this book were taken on the same day.

 Just because of the intricate construction, this is a book of mine that I admire.


  1. Zoe, what an interesting way to share trivia. This was fun to read...and learn.
    Thanks for my copy! Big Mama

  2. Just stopped by to review your blog. My copy of this book sits on the family room coffee table. Big Mama

