Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Furry Friend Fright


          I never imagined that I would create a book like this. This book is called "The Furry Friend Fright", and it is an artist book about my cat, Basil, and I. I won't say it's a  nonfiction story, though, because many of the real elements have been re-imagined. I only started making this book, to enter it into a book arts exhibit in Minnesota, and hopefully be accepted. I was not accepted, but that does not bother me so much. If it were not for my desire to be in the exhibit, I would not have even had the idea for this book, or had such an awesome photo shoot with photographer, John Woo, to have the book professionally captured. The exhibit was titled, 'It's Alive', and it was created to celebrate the anniversary of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein". I don't write horror normally, I wouldn't say it is a strong point of my writing. Though I did enjoy the process, and I have two identical handmade books to remember that!
        This book was my first time stitching a book together the 'right' way. Up to that point, I never thought that I ever would.

          Don't believe everything you tell yourself.


  1. The book is fabulous. The story held my interest,

    1. I appreciate that - this comment brightens my day!

